Looking for Mr. Drew himself to go to your house, school, or event? Read our information below and reach out to Mr. Drew for booking and more information!

Our Programs
Mr. Drew and His Animals Too in Lewiston, Maine organizes educational programs about exotic animals. Explore and learn with us!
Animals brought: 12 to 15
Duration: 60-75 minutes
Ideal for:
Family and Corporate Events
Nursing Homes
And So Much More
Walk Ups
Animals brought: 6 to 10
Duration: As requested
Ideal for:
Large Venues With Many People Attending at Various Times
Town Events
Scout/Group Meetings
Animals brought: 3 to 4
Duration: 30 to 40 minutes
Ideal for:
Small Groups With Limited Meeting Time
Boy/Girls Scouts
Free Virtual Presentations *Donations appreciated*
A virtual presentation is a 30-45 minute program that includes 6 exotic reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates from around the world.
Each presentation is age appropriate and very animated to hold your children's attention.

Animals brought: 3 to 4
Duration: 30 to 40 minutes
Ideal for specific instruction of a group/species of animals
Campgrounds/Recreational Department
Animals brought: 12 to 15
Duration: 60-75 mins minutes
The show is followed by question-and-answer portion, photo opportunities, and hands-on education

Guided Tours
Guided tours to Mt. Apatite for nature hikes, rock collecting, or Thorncrag Wildlife Sanctuary
Free Consultation
Free consultation or advice before buying any exotic animal

Birthday Parties
Be the coolest parents in the world by having us for your child's birthday! Not only will the kids enjoy this party, the adult guests will, too!
A birthday party lasts from 75 to 90 minutes and includes 12 to 15 animals that the guests can touch and hold (if they choose). There will also be plenty of opportunities for picture taking. Seeing your child's face as they hold a snake is PRICELESS!
There is no limit to the number of guests that you will invite. Other than the size of your home, all Mr. Drew requires is enough room for a 6' table (which he provides). Parties can be held outdoors as long as the temperature is above 65°.
If you are interested in having a Birthday Party at our center please click HERE to see our in-house party page